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Sarcopenia- it’s scary, but not nearly as scary as it sounds! Imagine you wake up one day to find out the little things you used to do with ease, like climbing the stairs, carrying groceries or even getting up from a chair, are suddenly overwhelmingly difficult to do? This is what life with Sarcopenia can feel like. Sarcopenia is a condition that results in the gradual decrease in muscle mass and strength as we age. While this may sound scary, Sarcopenia is not a life sentence. It can b...
Posted on 2024-07-24
You're Over 50: Are You Making These Exercise Mistakes? Movement is medicine - but similar to over the counter medications, exercise needs to be done correctly in order to work effectively. This article is dedicated to all those who want to stay healthy as they age. If you want to delay loss of muscle mass, bone density and mobility over time, exercise in any form is crucial. However, proper exercise programs, specifically resistance training, have been proven to reduce or reverse the common ...
Posted on 2023-05-17
Work From Home? Take A Break With This 10 Minute Mobility Workout If you work from home, you may resonate with the stiffness that comes with long days spent at a computer. It’s key to take a quick break in your day to prioritize self-care and give your body some much-needed relief. Having good mobility throughout your body is important to relieve tension, prevent injury and improve posture.  The following mobility workout will increase your heart rate, give you a quick energy boost...
Posted on 2023-05-13
Bye-Bye Bat Wings: The Best Arm Workouts for Women Over 50 There’s nothing wrong with a little sag! Are you over 50 and noticing a little jiggle? Aging is inevitable and will bring about a natural deterioration in muscle mass. However, strength training is important to maintain muscle mass and bone density. In order to build strength, increase your range of motion and improve confidence - it’s crucial to engage in physical activity. The following exercises are sure to help tighten...
Posted on 2023-05-13
Extra Fit 50's: Exercises That Can Help With Back Pain Back pain is a common problem among people over 50 years old. Aging brings about physiological changes such as reduction in bone density, arthritis and loss of space between vertebral discs in the spine. The good news is that  staying active can help relieve the pain and strengthen the back muscles. Here are six easy-to-do exercises that you can do at home to help combat back pain: Cat-Cow Stretch  Begin on your hands and kn...
Posted on 2023-05-13
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