Anti-Inflammatory Foods


Last week, we spoke of foods that increase inflammation in our body and we created a list that we can avoid or limit on consuming. So this week I decided to throw some light over the food that reduces inflammation. Adopting anti-inflammatory food can help you to not only reduce chronic inflammation but also slow down the aging process but also reduce the risk of various diseases like heart disease, diabetes, dementia, Alzheimer’s, autoimmune disease, joint pain and cancer.

The benefit of including the anti-inflammatory food can be seen very early as the food has an effect on inflammation as soon as it is consumed.

Here’s a list of food that helps to reduce inflammation:

  • Berries: These are filled with fibers, vitamins and minerals. These provide an antioxidant – anthocyanins. This compound reduces inflammation, boost immunity. For eg-strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries.
  • Fatty fish: Fish are a great source of protein and the long chain of omega 3 fatty acids- EPA and DHA. These fatty acids help to reduce inflammation. For eg- salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel, anchovies.
  • Broccoli: It is extremely nutritious. These provide an antioxidant – sulforaphane which is a powerful anti-inflammatory.
  • Avocados: It one of the superfood available. It contains potassium, magnesium, fibers
    and heart healthy monosaturated fats. It also contains carotenoids and tocopherols which
    are related to reduce the risk of cancer. It has components that help to fight inflammation.
  • Pepper: Bell pepper and chilli peppers both contain high amount of vitamin C, quercetin, sinapic acid, ferulic acid and other antioxidants that help to reduce inflammation.
  • Mushrooms: These contain very low calories and are rich in selenium, copper, Vit B and phenols which are antioxidants. For eg: truffles, portobello and shiitake. Mushrooms to get their full benefit should either be eaten raw or cooked lightly.
  • Grapes: These contain anthocyanins and resveratol which helps to reduce inflammation. These also help to reduce the risk of heart diseases, diabetes, eye disease and Alzheimer.
  • Extra virgin olive oil: it contains Oleocanthal which is an antioxidant. This oil also helps to reduce brain cancer, heart disease.
  • Dark chocolate and cocoa: Flavanols present in them helps to reduce inflammation. It also helps to age healthier.
  • Tomatoes: This is another nutritional powerhouse. It has high amounts of vit C,potassium and lycopene. Lycopene is an anti-oxidant. Tip: Cook tomatoes with olive oil to get the maximum benefit.

List of herbs that help to reduce inflammation:

  • Ginger: It contains more than 100 active compounds like gingerol, shogaol, zingiberene, and zingerone and many more that helps to lower the inflammatory markers in our body.
  • Garlic: It is rich in sulphur component like allicin, disulfide and S- allylcysteine. These components help to reduce the inflammation.
  • Tumeric: It has over 300 active compounds one of which is curcumin which is a powerful anti-inflammatory. Combining it with black pepper helps to absorb the curcumin better.
  • Cardamom: it helps to increase the anti –oxidants and helps to reduce the inflammatory markers.
  • Black pepper: It is known as the king of spices. It contains piperine which helps to reduce the inflammation.
  • Ginseng: The two most popular ginseng types are Asian ginseng and American ginseng.  Asian Ginseng is more invigorating and American one is more relaxing. They contain active compound ginsenosides which helps to reduce inflammatory marker.
  • Green tea: It is a popular herbal tea which contains polyphenols particularly ECGC. This component is beneficial for brain and heart also helps to lose body fat and reduce inflammation.
  • Rosemary: These contain high levels of polypherols like rosmarinic and carnosic acid which are anti-inflammatory.
  • Cinnamon: It is a spice which is made from the bark of a tree. The two main types of cinnamon are Ceylon cinnamon and Cassia cinnamon, both are available widely. Many studies have shown the benefit of consuming it daily to reduce inflammation. Also not
    more than 1 teaspoon should be used on daily basis.

This completes the list of food and herbs that help to reduce inflammation. Try to include these in your daily diet to reap the benefits ASAP.